Friday, August 24, 2007

Weekend? Not where I'm standing

Normally Fridays mean woho-the-weekend-is-around-the-corner-and-oh-how-much-sleeping-I-will-do. Not for me though. Not this weekend. I'm looking forward to a day at the office tomorrow. Lovely. I stayed untlil 18.30 last night and I'm staying a while today. Then I'm going back tomorrow. Lovely. Really. Can't wait.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

They're baaack....

The bus stop this morning was like something out of a scary movie and if that's what it's going to be all year I'll have to seriously rethink how I get to and from work. There have always been quite a number of high school kids waiting there but this morning was an all-time high. Then, to top it all off, the bus company has started a line that runs 5 minutes after 'mine' does. It has the same number but not the same route or destination. Total confusion! People were running between busses at just about every stop. Great planning. One man switched 4 times. Seriously, do you know where you work? I think he ended up at the wrong bus in the end. Fun fact is that all summer the bus company have used their nice busses, clean, with seatbelts, not that the kids are back we're back to old, seatbelt-free busses. I wonder what parents would think about that?

Work is oh so hectic right now. Everything needs to be done for the start of the semester and we're balancing on a fine line between chaos and kind of ok. I get all sorts of questions really and it's kind of difficult to keep calm in all situations. I am a pretty patient person but sometimes it's just a tad too much. It feels like I've got my head above water although there are those who seem to want me under it. Seriously, if I wasn't ok I would say something. Stop assuming that I'm this overambitious angstcase who will fall down any second. Not the case. Just cause I like what I do doesn't mean that I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. The only thing I'll own up to is being bored. Cause I am. Nothing, and I repeat nothing, happens here.

I got my new dvds yesterday. I had to watch 'New York Waiting' straight away and it was a good film. Very indie-feelish but in a good way. The music was amazingly good. So, now I'll have Ice Age 1 and 2 plus Bridget Jones (#1) to look forward to for the weekend.

By the way, a man was stabbed to death just a couple of hundred metres from my building the other day. I've lived in Brussels and in Manchester and things happen her, in this tiny place. Unbelievable. Does this mean I'll have to rethink my livingarrangements?

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I love myspace!!

One of the main benefits of being back at the office is the opportunity to listen to music on myspace while your working. Could it get any better? Therefore I've decided to start a myspace music-sidebar. Easy access to my favourite bands.

I'm doing my best to get my head around my new office and girl it up a bit. Organizing the office makes me realize what a box and folder-freak I am. My predecessor apparently had this thing for rubberbands, my pet thing is plastic folders. We all have our perks. My main annoyance right now is the cord to the phone. No matter where I put the phone the cord is in the way. Wow, life really is tough. Ain't it.

Monday, August 6, 2007

The downsides of having huge windows

My summer vacation is over and I am back at the office. I'm not too happy about it, I would have needed about 4 more weeks to really get into the kind of mode I was last year when I came back to work. But I guess that's just part of life as an adult. First signs of aging as a 30-something perhaps? (And I've just realised I have huuuuuge windows overlooking the campus. Everyone can see me and I can see everyone. Great.)

The summer has been good. I've spent all of it cooped up in our summer house by the ocean. The first two weeks were a blur for so many reasons but the last two were good. I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I would have wanted but then again, that's ok. My new motto: it's ok. Unfortunately we have to redo the roofing between the two parts of the house but I think the new version will be better and more lasting than the old *holding fingers crossed*. Hopefully it won't cost a truckload of money either. Yeah, cause that's likely when there are screws and wood involved... It's an investment is what I keep telling myself. I am a bit sad I didn't get so much done in the garden cause it needed some work but that's for next year. I did get my mother into the ocean on numerous occasions though which should earn me a medal of some sort. The water wasn't as warm as it has been the last two years but it was more than ok. Let's just say it was difficult to go back here after the vacation was done. When I got off the train I wasn't really sure I'd gotten off at the right stop. I don't know, this just isn't like home. : )

Being back at the office isn't all bad. No one's really around at the moment which is great cause I like the quiet but then again the students are busy e-mailing and calling like crazy. There is so much to be done I'm not really sure where to start.

So, the last and final Harry Potter book has been released and, obviously, I've read it. Not sure what I think. Parts were great, other parts I'm not so sure about, but all in all, it's done. I've also seen the new movie. Can't help thinking they should have signed Alfonso Cuarón (HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban) up for the entire series. His movie was the best so far. I have to get the new one on DVD and see what I think then.

Other than that, saw the Narnia-movie (quite ok actually if you get past the whole Liam Neeson as the voice of Aslan-part. Whatever that Lucy-girl is on she should bottle it cause I could use with a teaspoon of that energy), bought Shadowlands (very good, bawled like usual. It really is the new Out of Africa for me. The end kills me every time. Cause I'm a girl is what I am.), and bought series one of the West Wing (aw, the good old days). I've listened to a remarkably small amount of music which is totally uncommon for me. Then again I've hung out with a remarkably small amount of people which is quite uncommon for me as well. Just didn't have the energy. Didn't even watch a lot of TV and that is uncommon for me. Watched the usual Foyle's war, Midsomer Murders, Ms Marple, Veronica Mars (would she quit tormenting Logan already!!) and the occasional movie (Chicago was better than I expected).

So, beginning of term, new job, possible changes to existing job perhaps (?), new people, erm, hm... Well, no matter what I think of it you can't really stop time now can you? ; )