Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Everybody loves good neighbours...

I hate my neighbours. Honestly. With a passion. I don't mind noise but I mind it when it's 3.30 in the morning. I also mind when they listen to best of 80s rock on full blast Sunday mornings... For some reason they've been extremely active all weekend and it's been driving me nuts. Anywho. I hope that will change now since I've talked to my landlord about it. *keeps fingers crossed enthusiastically*

The third and final Pirates of the Carribean is due May 25th. Woho! See the trailer below. I see piracy and Hong Kong-action ahead.

I've spent the weekend head down, feet up, watching the Lord of the Rings-movies. Partly with cast commentaries. Bernard Hill is one funny person. His comment when Éomer throws his spear into the Oliphantguy he says something along the lines of 'that is some Olympic standard javelin chuckin' that is'. Too funny. Although Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens are funny when they ask Peter Jackson to explain who the bloke on the left is in a scene where a body-double has replaced one of the cast in a lineup-shot and someone forgot to put the cast-persons head on the body-double person. It may not sound funny in writing but if you haven't listened to the commentaries on the extended versions, do it now!

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