Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Things that look down and things that look up...

One word: stomach flu. Ok, so that's two words but still. ; ) 'Tis the season apparently. Luckily I don't have it, yet, but people in and around the office has it so cross all fingers and hope for the best. On my way home from work yesterday I bought a huge bottle of Coca Cola, just in case. I don't know if it's true that Coca Cola works or not but at least it makes me feel prepared, just in case. I hate stomach flu, passionately. It's by far the worst non-lethal thing you can catch.´

For the first time in years I'm actually excited about this year's book sales. We have one every year around the end of february and I used to go early in the morning when I was younger. Once I even went at midnight just to see what it was like (early is one word for it). The last couple of years I haven't been all that excited thought but for some reason I feel good about books this year. It might be that I managed to finish two (Stardust and The Interpretation of Murder) when I was in Spain for Christmas. I haven't really felt good about books in a couple of years either so that could be it. I'm already making a list of what to look out for, just in case. I'm just hoping that my expectations won't be deflated once the sales catalogues arrive. Ah well, for now I'll just be excited and enjoy that. 'Tis the little things...


Anne said...

I had stomach flu this weekend, and OH MY GOD. It was just bloody awful. Never again, please. Never!

Anonymous said...

Lovely, aint it? ; )