Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wonderful Copenhagen

It's two days since I came back from my Copenhagen Birthday-trip and I'm back at work. It's amazing how three days away can boost the energy but there it is. I've had a great time and turning 30 doesn't seem so scary anymore. I haven't actually had to say that I'm 30 yet but for better or worse, i am. : )

Copenhagen really is my kind of town. I don't know what it is but I just love it. My mum wasn't as thrilled about it but it could have something to do with the nightmare snowstorm trip to Copenhagen on thursday. ETA was 10.30 and the actual time became 16.00. The weather was a bit slushy and sometimes slightly violent (icy rain, not at all comfortable when it hits your face) but in general ok. Shopping was great, food was great, hotel was very much ok.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dear God,

Could you please hold off the bad weather, of make it less scary, until after the weekend. You see, it's my birthday on Friday and I've planned this fun trip for me and my mother to go to Copenhagen for three days (thursday-saturday). I've really been looking forward to it! I wish the train will arrive safe and sound in Copenhagen tomorrow, with us on it, and that everything will be ok. Does that sound ok? I'd really like this to get better than New Millenium's Eve when I was down with the superflu and spent the night with a remote control in my hand. It is after all my big 30th birthday. : )

Your friend always!



Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It was a very good year...

I can't believe I've almost spent one year in this place. On the other hand it feels like I've spent a lifetime here, and not necessarily in a good way. It's been a good year in the sense that I've liked the people I've worked with, or should I say worked close with, and I've learnt a lot. It has been one tough year though. When I talked to V (whom I'm temping for) before Christmas she said I'd gotten the worst year ever in this institution. Brilliant, yay me. Now that it's coming to an end it really feels ok. I have another job on the line, probably starting parttime next week, and that will be stressful for a while but seriously, after this place I feel like things really can't get any worse. Hm, I'm sure I'll get to change my opinion on that. But for now it's my story and I'm sticking with it.

I'm really excited about this week. On Thursday my mum and I are going to Copenhagen and I've found loads of things to do. My mum's a bit worried about the weather and stuff but I say 'bring it on!'. Anything to get away for a couple of days. I'm more worried about my sore throat. Nothing I can't ignore away! Copenhagen or bust dude!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Hitting the big 3 0!!

I only have 11 days left of my 20-something beingdom and that's ok. I'm going to Copenhagen for my birthday so I'm embracing the birthday at the moment. If you ask me on the 23rd my answer might be different but as for now, all ok.

Work is beyond too much right now but I'm trying my best to keep up my spirits. It's a bit difficult since people are getting flus to my left and right. A sure sign I'm not far behind is that my nose is itching like mad! There's really nowhere to hide now either since my mum's visiting and she's both fluish and stomach fluish (not contageous though). Ah well, black coffee and vitamins and I'll be fine.

My mum and I have been fleemarketing three weekends in a row now. I've found great stuff and ever so slowly my flat is turning into a home. This weekend I found a great wicker chair. I've always wanted one so it was all good. Last night I polished some of the silver I found last weekend and it was beautiful! This weekend I picked up a great sifter and a tea cup. Definately a new favourite. Can't wait to go shopping in Copenhagen!