Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Wonderful Copenhagen

It's two days since I came back from my Copenhagen Birthday-trip and I'm back at work. It's amazing how three days away can boost the energy but there it is. I've had a great time and turning 30 doesn't seem so scary anymore. I haven't actually had to say that I'm 30 yet but for better or worse, i am. : )

Copenhagen really is my kind of town. I don't know what it is but I just love it. My mum wasn't as thrilled about it but it could have something to do with the nightmare snowstorm trip to Copenhagen on thursday. ETA was 10.30 and the actual time became 16.00. The weather was a bit slushy and sometimes slightly violent (icy rain, not at all comfortable when it hits your face) but in general ok. Shopping was great, food was great, hotel was very much ok.

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