Friday, March 23, 2007

Thank G it's Friday

I'm starting to see a pattern in my posting. I mostly post on Fridays. How convenient and utterly boring. Selfimprovement is needed. Note to self: Start scribbling!

These last two days I've enjoyed my new office at my new (temporary) job and it's great. It has been sort of quiet but busy and all-in-all it has been interesting. You cannot ask for more. If I could only finish the jobapplication I have hanging over me like a black cloud things would be marvelous. Ah well. That's what lunch is for.

I did get my DVDs last weekend and they were great. 'This Life' was a lot more nude (those who have seen it will know what I mean) than I remembered it but Jack Davenport was highly talented and Anna Nardini is still a hero. Clueless was just as good as it ever was so my plan to watch DVDs and relax worked out fine.

For a few weeks now I've been eyeing different exercise bikes and lo and behold, on Sunday I bought one. I was slightly fearful of the fact that it came in a box and upon opening the box I found myself surrounded by bike-parts, shattered all over my bedroom. One deep breath and heard study of the instruction on how to put the bike together later I actually managed to get it together and it worked. So, on Monday afternoon I took a 10km turn around my bedroom and tonight I'm going for another. You shouldn't overdo it the first weeks. ; ) With my mp3-player on it's really good. You can sing along to the music, don't disturb anyone (but the new neighbours and after the party they had last Saturday, anything goes) and bike away. Lovely.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sunny day, chasing the clouds away...

It's Friday, again, and the weather is absolutely amazing! That's truly something to smile about. I'm trying to be more positive in general but this morning I woke up with a headache so it should be noted that staying positive today is rather painful. Anyhwho.

I have no plans whatsoever for the weekend and that feels great! Well, there is one plan and that's watching the first two seasons of 'This Life' and one of my all-time favourite movies 'Clueless' which I ordered online yesterday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they'll arrive today so that I can watch them over the weekend. I know it's usually never a good idea to review movies or tv-series that you watched and loved many years ago. Yet, since Jack Davenport is part of the cast for 'This Life' I'm hoping it'll be ok. That series was huge when it first broadcast and I loved it. It was just before 'Friends' came on. 'This Life' was darker in a Brittish way and, from what I can remember, much better. If the dvds don't show up I'll have Sunday afternoons to look forward to. Hopefully. Yay, it's the weekend.

And today's listening pleasure is provided by Brittish band 'The View' . 'Same jeans' is a perfect spring song!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Now it starts...

Tuesday and the week is well on its way. Yesterday had Monday written all over it and it was quite a start of the week. I had to get up earlier than usual in order to get my mother to the trainstation before going to work. She packed her bags on Saturday and they were heavy then but then we had a fleemarket galore on Sunday that resulted in more heaviness. Fortunately she was ok changing trains in Stockholm. My dad consisted of getting things done at my current job and going to meetings at my new job. And that's pretty much what the upcoming weeks will be all about. Balancing the two. It'll be tough but ok. It's always interesting to come to new places and observe social structures etc.

It was a good Sunday at the fleemarket, even though the cupboard I had set my eye on had been sold. I came home with silver cutlery that I loved, a small table for the TV, really nice glasses for drinking just about whatever, a really nice painting and the usual odd stuff that I tend to pick up. Of course I got a couple of antique table cloths as well. All in all a very good day. On Friday I managed to get to Plantagen which is a big market for flowers and garden/flower-related stuff. I came home with a nice set of daffodils and the miniature greenhouse I had spotted in the paper. So, now I'm all set for spring and I can actually see myself biking to the fleemarket on Sunday. A perfect combination of exercise and shopping. ; )

Friday, March 2, 2007

Tomorrow, tomorrow. How I love the weekend!

Another Friday and I'm feeling fine. No, actually I am. There is slight proof that the sun still exists today and I like that. There is also a patch of blue sky between the clouds so there's reason to smile. Noted, everything workrelated basically sucks but hey, the weather is fine.

This week most of my favourite reads are out. I got Country Living, Lantliv and Drömhem the other day and Hem och Antik is out any day now. So many great ideas! After work today I'm going to Plantagen to get me one of those dreamy miniature greenhouse and some spring-ish flowers. I'm spending all weekend with my mum who is going back home on Monday morning. It seems as though we're going to our favourite fleemarket on Sunday and hopefully the cupboard I saw last time is still there and that it's ok (i.e. no woodeating flees and stuff inside ; )

When in Copenhagen I found a shop that I hadn't read about anywhere but it was great and I really recommend it! It's called and they also have an on-line shop where you can find my favourite calender for the kitchen.

So off for the weekend. Just a few hours work to go but hey, the sun is out. : )