Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The long and winding road...

Life is pretty darn interesting. The only thing you can be certain of is that it will never cease to surprise you. I find that pretty comforting. I could choose to look at my current situation as rather energyconsuming, and it is, but as tired as I may be right now, that's not a particularly healthy attitude. So, I'm going for suck it up, suck it in and the view that everything happens for a reason. Dude, I'll need the entire weekend to work up the energy for that. It's a good thing we've got four days off now. Well, I'm thinking of throwing in a couple of hours work on Friday but at least that will be of my own free will.

I know Wednesdays are proper TV-nights but still I couldn't stop myself from ordering two movies for the weekend. Totally girly movies but ergo girl, ergo girly, right? Makes sense. Anywho, I ordered 'Little Women' cause I love it and 'Finding Neverland' cause I haven't seen it and Johnny Depp is amazing. I could have ordered Pirates of the Carribean 1, 2 but I'm waiting for the trilogy to hit the stores in box-shape with loads of extra material. And no, I don't know if they will but it worked for Peter Jackson. Can't imagine they will let an opportunity like that go to waste... ; ) I'm soooo looking forward to movie #3 next week. After having seen Orlando Bloom on Extras last week I have total respect for him. That was funny!! Extras is my new weekend tv-must see.

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