Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Rainy day, chasing the clouds awaaaaay...

I haven't blogged in aaaaages so to sum up the last couple of weeks in a ziplock bag, here it is.

- mucho weirdo stuff happening around work. I've been having quite too many wtf-moments and that's generally not good. Well, I think they're funny but the rest of the world, I don't know. The result is that I've turned into Irony girl whose secret power is the ability to become a human balancing act, trying to even out the bumps in the road of human kind. And that is so not meant in a selfloving, airhead bimbo, I'm perfection kind of way. Far from it. ; )

- Eurovishion Song Contest coming up this weekend. I've been listening to the entries and what can I say, East European pop/Balkan ballads still get me going. Favourites at the moments are Russia. My conservative being does not like it but I can't help it, the former Soviet Union fascinates me. Go figure.

- I've applied for two jobs and been to one interview so far. I just hope at least one of them will land on my table. I'm pretty sure one of them won't but the other... *keeping fingers crossed* First interview was interesting in an odd sort of way. Interesting in the sense of being highly different. Anywho.

As boring as it sounds, that's what my life has been about as of late. Note to self: get a life...

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