Friday, June 8, 2007

Just how stupid do you think I am?

At work we get a lot of mails from persons claiming to be in charge of bank accounts or bank deposit boxes where someone with our last name has left billions (always written in figures and then in CAPITAL LETTERS) of (Disney)money with no one to claim them. So now these persons are contacting us, with the hope that we will not take offence since we have not been properly introduced (like we lived in 1707). The other scenario is person from country x wanting to ship money to our country and if we do it we will get 20% of the total sum only in reality it means they get us to pay 100% to them since there, *gasp*, is no money to begin with. I feel so tempted to write a reply with a simple question: 'Just how stupid do you think I am?'. But, since I work for the government it's not really proper so I end up just deleating the e-mail and marking the sender as a 'spammer'. But one day...

Friday once again and I'm hoping I've gotten one of my favourite books from when I was a kid in the mail. It's a series of three books and I have one (which I won when I was about 5 years old and already by then the books were like 20 years old) and I want the two others. I've found online and the other is on sale at an online market next Wednesday. It seems there are a lot of people looking for these books so I'll have to work hard to get them. Well, two down, one to go. : ) And yes, I turned 30 last February...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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absolutely admire your design! write me a e-mail please in case you want to colaborate