Thursday, January 18, 2007

Just another day in paradise

I just realised that I have but a month left of my 20-something life before I turn a corner and move into the unchartered waters of a 30-something life. Scary? Bet your be-hind!

Anywho, that calls for some serious redecorating of my present situation. My life is completely different from what it was a year ago. That is true. But now my current job is coming to an end (being a temporary job and all) and I'm turning...let's just say it's my turn of a decade-style birthday... in a couple of weeks. I feel like I need a 5-year plan. Very grown up-ish. I know I can do 'grown up' when I make the effort (which, granted, is not very often but I should at least get a B+ for trying).

Only problem is, do I really want to think about where I should be in 5 years? I'm having a hard enough time picturing myself having another birthday. I have a job, sort of, and I have my own place, sort of. I like my life even though my singleton status (also referred to as making me 'movable') tends to raise some eyebrows. I'm looking, but so far Mr Right hasn't knocked on my door but then again I've moved around a bit over the last couple of years. He'll catch up with me sooner or later. Maybe the powers that be (hereafter referred to as TPTB) should make a note on their 5-year plan so send him a map to my house.

So, 5-year plan, point #1: Send current address to TPTB...

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