Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Setting the mood

So, first post on new blog. It's funny how it always sort of starts out in a happy way, enthusiastic and all happy -ics and -isms you could think of. Then, gradually, it deteriorates into a moody rant about how life sucks along with everyone in it. Well, I'm not going to make that mistake. I embrace suckyness and moody rants so don't expect hot pink clouds and fluffy elephants. If someone presents those, it's a sure sign they're trying to sell you something, or get you to do something you really don't want to do. Life's lesson #1: Stay clear of hot pink clouds and fluffy elephants. They're a bad omen. ; )

So, first post on new blog. I guess the cliché for today is: this is the first day of the rest of my life... or, to 'dude' it up a little: another 24 hours of energy spent that I'll never get back... ; )

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