Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Winter wonderland

I'll probably jinx it by saying it but dude, we still have snow. Amazing, seeing as we've had snow for almost a week now. It may not be much but the ground is white and it's freezing. Can't get much better than that. After having read Anne's blog on her crappy January 23rd I realise that perhaps my day's been pretty good. Any day that involves an appointment to the dentist is crap in my book. To have the dentist's building catch fire while you're there is just a whole new level of crappiness.

Full evening of risotto, Ugly Betty and Grey's anatomy last night. Bad McDreamy!! Go Chris O'Donnel!! I've also watched the trailer for the new episodes of Lost on . It actually made me want to watch my Lost dvds and that's saying something since I've been extremely tired of the show for quite some time. So maybe tonight will be Lost-night. It's not like there's anything else on. I should probably clean my flat seeing as my mother's coming to visit on Friday. Yup, cleaning it is. Then Lost.

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