Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Rearing one's ugly head and putting things where the sun don't shine

Yesterday was Monday and dude was it a blast! Well, actually it was probably the worst day here since I arrived (and that was a year ago). Things haven't exactly been hunky dory around the office lately, quite the opposite, and I guess it had to end one way or another. Unfortunately, it really wasn't for the best. Our boss decided it wasn't worth it anymore and quit and we totally understand. We're in awe that she lasted as long as she did. Cudos to that.

Anywho, as a result the whole day turned into 'life in the trenches' cause people decided that was a good time to regroup. The reality of it all is that no one knows what will happen next. It's like the Cold War but we all speak the same language. Kind of.

As a result these last two days have felt like two years. I realise this affects my position here at the university and whether I'll be able to stay or not. At the same time it might actually work out anyway. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. That's really all I can do.

I realised I hadn't listened to the old Brittish man on YouTube in a while. He's still around! Woho! Do yourself a favour and visit his site here .

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