Friday, March 16, 2007

Sunny day, chasing the clouds away...

It's Friday, again, and the weather is absolutely amazing! That's truly something to smile about. I'm trying to be more positive in general but this morning I woke up with a headache so it should be noted that staying positive today is rather painful. Anyhwho.

I have no plans whatsoever for the weekend and that feels great! Well, there is one plan and that's watching the first two seasons of 'This Life' and one of my all-time favourite movies 'Clueless' which I ordered online yesterday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they'll arrive today so that I can watch them over the weekend. I know it's usually never a good idea to review movies or tv-series that you watched and loved many years ago. Yet, since Jack Davenport is part of the cast for 'This Life' I'm hoping it'll be ok. That series was huge when it first broadcast and I loved it. It was just before 'Friends' came on. 'This Life' was darker in a Brittish way and, from what I can remember, much better. If the dvds don't show up I'll have Sunday afternoons to look forward to. Hopefully. Yay, it's the weekend.

And today's listening pleasure is provided by Brittish band 'The View' . 'Same jeans' is a perfect spring song!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir, I ask of you this: can you please print LADOK for me?

Can you, sir?